Ashley's Addictions - What I want, When I want 

This bear cheers me up :(
Hey so I'm back :) yaaay! It's been a while I know and I'm very sorry! As you may have noticed I made quite a few changes to the Homepage & Beauty sections. I also added a new Makeup look and another is coming tonight when I get home from school. Oh I also added a nails look page and I will have one picture up tonight and I should have one up on St. Pattys! Plus don't forget the contest!

Today I am really excited because it is only 1:20pm and I have 72 views on the site! I know thats pretty lame but it's exciting for me! Today at 11am I had already passed my record from yesterday (which was a lame 51 views) and I am hoping by the time I get home I will hit 100 views in a day!!! I would be so happy :) So in honor of that I added an About page which has a subpage when you hover above it called Links. There you can find little buttons to link back to the site to put on your facebook, myspace, blogspot WHATEVER! :)

So in other news, My teacher is a bitch. I'm not going to say which one but she's a total bitch. I hate her. So I have an Anatomy & Physiology trip this wednesday (Who's excited for St. Pattys?!) and I also am doing a project presentation with my partner all week long. Wednesday all we are doing is watching the movie I already wrote tons of crap for and like no joke I did amazing with all of that. But I am going to lose 20 points because I am going on a field trip WTF?! I am so mad. I am going to broden my fricking horizons in a morge by seeing dead people be cut open dammit!! I can't even talk about this anymore.

I had the worst morning lol. It's kind of commical actually when I think about it :p I couldn't fall asleep till 4 and I wake up at 7 so I only got 3 hours of sleep. I am barely hangin on, no that's a lie... I'm pretty wide awake actually :) But anyways I did my eye makeup 3 times, 3 frickin times because i kept messing up. Than I got to school and thought I looked like a racoon so I wiped it all off hahah. I'm so fussy.

I wonder when the bell is going to ring. This is a REALLY long blog. Longest yet I bet. Sorry...

Well I am going to go work on the rest of the site :) Toodaloo!


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    All Things Ashley...

    Hey, My name is Ashley and I live in the beautiful state of Alaska. This used to be a beauty website were I had reviews and tutorials but now I have turned it into my own personal blog. It will still mainly be about makeup seeing as that is my main focus :) Enjoy!

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